Source code for pex.variables

# Copyright 2015 Pants project contributors (see
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE).

# Due to the PEX_ properties, disable checkstyle.
# checkstyle: noqa

import os
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager

from .common import die

__all__ = ('ENV', 'Variables')

[docs]class Variables(object): """Environment variables supported by the PEX runtime.""" @classmethod def process_pydoc(cls, pydoc): if pydoc is None: return 'Unknown', 'Unknown' pydoc = pydoc.splitlines() variable_type = pydoc[0] variable_text = ' '.join(filter(None, (line.strip() for line in pydoc[2:]))) return variable_type, variable_text @classmethod def iter_help(cls): for variable_name, value in sorted(cls.__dict__.items()): if not variable_name.startswith('PEX_'): continue variable_type, variable_text = cls.process_pydoc(getattr(value, '__doc__')) yield variable_name, variable_type, variable_text
[docs] @classmethod def from_rc(cls, rc=None): """Read pex runtime configuration variables from a pexrc file. :param rc: an absolute path to a pexrc file. :return: A dict of key value pairs found in processed pexrc files. :rtype: dict """ ret_vars = {} rc_locations = ['/etc/pexrc', '~/.pexrc', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '.pexrc')] if rc: rc_locations.append(rc) for filename in rc_locations: try: with open(os.path.expanduser(filename)) as fh: rc_items = map(cls._get_kv, fh) ret_vars.update(dict(filter(None, rc_items))) except IOError: continue return ret_vars
@classmethod def _get_kv(cls, variable): kv = variable.strip().split('=') if len(list(filter(None, kv))) == 2: return kv def __init__(self, environ=None, rc=None, use_defaults=True): self._use_defaults = use_defaults self._environ = environ.copy() if environ else os.environ if not self.PEX_IGNORE_RCFILES: rc_values = self.from_rc(rc).copy() rc_values.update(self._environ) self._environ = rc_values def copy(self): return self._environ.copy() def delete(self, variable): self._environ.pop(variable, None) def set(self, variable, value): self._environ[variable] = str(value) def _defaulted(self, default): return default if self._use_defaults else None def _get_bool(self, variable, default=False): value = self._environ.get(variable) if value is not None: if value.lower() in ('0', 'false'): return False elif value.lower() in ('1', 'true'): return True else: die('Invalid value for %s, must be 0/1/false/true, got %r' % (variable, value)) else: return self._defaulted(default) def _get_string(self, variable, default=None): return self._environ.get(variable, self._defaulted(default)) def _get_path(self, variable, default=None): value = self._get_string(variable, default=default) if value is not None: return os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(value)) def _get_int(self, variable, default=None): try: return int(self._environ[variable]) except ValueError: die('Invalid value for %s, must be an integer, got %r' % (variable, self._environ[variable])) except KeyError: return self._defaulted(default)
[docs] def strip_defaults(self): """Returns a copy of these variables but with defaults stripped. Any variables not explicitly set in the environment will have a value of `None`. """ return Variables(environ=self.copy(), use_defaults=False)
[docs] @contextmanager def patch(self, **kw): """Update the environment for the duration of a context.""" old_environ = self._environ self._environ = self._environ.copy() self._environ.update(kw) yield self._environ = old_environ
@property def PEX_ALWAYS_CACHE(self): """Boolean Always write PEX dependencies to disk prior to invoking regardless whether or not the dependencies are zip-safe. For certain dependencies that are very large such as numpy, this can reduce the RAM necessary to launch the PEX. The data will be written into $PEX_ROOT, which by default is $HOME/.pex. Default: false. """ return self._get_bool('PEX_ALWAYS_CACHE', default=False) @property def PEX_COVERAGE(self): """Boolean Enable coverage reporting for this PEX file. This requires that the "coverage" module is available in the PEX environment. Default: false. """ return self._get_bool('PEX_COVERAGE', default=False) @property def PEX_COVERAGE_FILENAME(self): """Filename Write the coverage data to the specified filename. If PEX_COVERAGE_FILENAME is not specified but PEX_COVERAGE is, coverage information will be printed to stdout and not saved. """ return self._get_path('PEX_COVERAGE_FILENAME', default=None) @property def PEX_FORCE_LOCAL(self): """Boolean Force this PEX to be not-zip-safe. This forces all code and dependencies to be written into $PEX_ROOT prior to invocation. This is an option for applications with static assets that refer to paths relative to __file__ instead of using pkgutil/pkg_resources. Default: false. """ return self._get_bool('PEX_FORCE_LOCAL', default=False) @property def PEX_IGNORE_ERRORS(self): """Boolean Ignore any errors resolving dependencies when invoking the PEX file. This can be useful if you know that a particular failing dependency is not necessary to run the application. Default: false. """ return self._get_bool('PEX_IGNORE_ERRORS', default=False) @property def PEX_INHERIT_PATH(self): """Boolean Allow inheriting packages from site-packages. By default, PEX scrubs any packages and namespace packages from sys.path prior to invoking the application. This is generally not advised, but can be used in situations when certain dependencies do not conform to standard packaging practices and thus cannot be bundled into PEX files. Default: false. """ return self._get_string('PEX_INHERIT_PATH', default='false') @property def PEX_INTERPRETER(self): """Boolean Drop into a REPL instead of invoking the predefined entry point of this PEX. This can be useful for inspecting the PEX environment interactively. It can also be used to treat the PEX file as an interpreter in order to execute other scripts in the context of the PEX file, e.g. "PEX_INTERPRETER=1 ./app.pex". Equivalent to setting PEX_MODULE to empty. Default: false. """ return self._get_bool('PEX_INTERPRETER', default=False) @property def PEX_MODULE(self): """String Override the entry point into the PEX file. Can either be a module, e.g. 'SimpleHTTPServer', or a specific entry point in module:symbol form, e.g. "myapp.bin:main". """ return self._get_string('PEX_MODULE', default=None) @property def PEX_PROFILE(self): """Boolean Enable application profiling. If specified and PEX_PROFILE_FILENAME is not specified, PEX will print profiling information to stdout. """ return self._get_path('PEX_PROFILE', default=None) @property def PEX_PROFILE_FILENAME(self): """Filename Profile the application and dump a profile into the specified filename in the standard "profile" module format. """ return self._get_path('PEX_PROFILE_FILENAME', default=None) @property def PEX_PROFILE_SORT(self): """String Toggle the profile sorting algorithm used to print out profile columns. Default: 'cumulative'. """ return self._get_string('PEX_PROFILE_SORT', default='cumulative') @property def PEX_PYTHON(self): """String Override the Python interpreter used to invoke this PEX. Can be either an absolute path to an interpreter or a base name e.g. "python3.3". If a base name is provided, the $PATH will be searched for an appropriate match. """ return self._get_string('PEX_PYTHON', default=None) @property def PEX_PYTHON_PATH(self): """String A colon-separated string containing paths of blessed Python interpreters for overriding the Python interpreter used to invoke this PEX. Must be absolute paths to the interpreter. Ex: "/path/to/python27:/path/to/python36" """ return self._get_string('PEX_PYTHON_PATH', default=None) @property def PEX_ROOT(self): """Directory The directory location for PEX to cache any dependencies and code. PEX must write not-zip-safe eggs and all wheels to disk in order to activate them. Default: ~/.pex """ return self._get_path('PEX_ROOT', default=os.path.expanduser('~/.pex')) @property def PEX_PATH(self): """A set of one or more PEX files Merge the packages from other PEX files into the current environment. This allows you to do things such as create a PEX file containing the "coverage" module or create PEX files containing plugin entry points to be consumed by a main application. Paths should be specified in the same manner as $PATH, e.g. PEX_PATH=/path/to/pex1.pex:/path/to/pex2.pex and so forth. """ return self._get_string('PEX_PATH', default='') @property def PEX_SCRIPT(self): """String The script name within the PEX environment to execute. This must either be an entry point as defined in a distribution's console_scripts, or a script as defined in a distribution's scripts section. While Python supports any script including shell scripts, PEX only supports invocation of Python scripts in this fashion. """ return self._get_string('PEX_SCRIPT', default=None) @property def PEX_TEARDOWN_VERBOSE(self): """Boolean Enable verbosity for when the interpreter shuts down. This is mostly only useful for debugging PEX itself. Default: false. """ return self._get_bool('PEX_TEARDOWN_VERBOSE', default=False) @property def PEX_VERBOSE(self): """Integer Set the verbosity level of PEX debug logging. The higher the number, the more logging, with 0 being disabled. This environment variable can be extremely useful in debugging PEX environment issues. Default: 0 """ return self._get_int('PEX_VERBOSE', default=0) # TODO(wickman) Remove and push into --flags. #94 @property def PEX_HTTP_RETRIES(self): """Integer The number of HTTP retries when performing dependency resolution when building a PEX file. Default: 5. """ return self._get_int('PEX_HTTP_RETRIES', default=5) @property def PEX_IGNORE_RCFILES(self): """Boolean Explicitly disable the reading/parsing of pexrc files (~/.pexrc). Default: false. """ return self._get_bool('PEX_IGNORE_RCFILES', default=False)
# Global singleton environment ENV = Variables()